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Our services include:

Our Services Include:

1:1 ABA therapy

We provide effective, evidence-based ABA therapy from our highly experienced team. We provide individualized programs that integrate the goals and needs for each specific child who we work with. Our vastly trained and dedicated therapists will address each child's individual academic and behavioral needs. Therapy sessions (ABA hours) occur in our office where we provide a structured environment using customized treatment plans.

Home Based Programing

We offer our families home based therapy. Our skilled therapists come out to your home to work with your child. This allows our team the ability to provide treatment for every day situations, working on a variety of important skills.

SEIT Services

We provide SEIT services for those of our students that would benefit from 1:1 support in their current classroom environment.  Our staff will help facilitate our students' adaptation to classroom routines, transitions, activities, and peer interactions.

Parent/Caregiver Training

We provide training for parents and caregivers on a regular basis so we can ensure that generalization of skills occur outside of our therapy sessions. These trainings can occur in our office and/or in the family's home.


We foster frequent, structured, and documented communication among disciplines to establish, prioritize and achieve treatment goals. We work together with all disciplines ensuring a cohesive team optimizing best outcomes.


We run preliminary assessments to ascertain what area each child excels in and what skills need to be taught. These assessments can be used for insurance purposes as well.

Behavior Consultation

We run indirect/direct assessments including, but not limited to: observation of the child in his/her natural environment, parent/caregiver testimony/feedback, and questionnaires. We then provide program recommendations for providers both at home, and in the community and/or the school setting .

Expert Witness Testimony

We use our years of experience and knowledge of our student's unique situation in order to provide evidence based testimony in any and all court cases related to services for the student.

Support Groups

We provide support groups for parents and caregivers in an individual or group setting. Facilitated by a Certified Counselor/ BCBA/LBA, the support group is a safe space to connect with other parents. We will be expanding to provide sibling support groups in the near future. For more information, please click here.

Family Education and Advocacy Specialist 

Our Family Education Advocacy specialist has an extensive background in Special Education, Counseling, and Applied Behavioral Analysis. We can provide guidance in connecting you to the appropriate professionals to evaluate your child, navigate the Administration for Child Services Department, and advocate for your child's education. For more information, please click here.

Authorized Continuing Education (ACE) Provider

UUAA is an authorized continuing education provider that offers various courses and opportunities. Our mission is to ensure our providers continuously expand their behavior-analytic skills and deepen their knowledge in areas of practice, science, methodology, theory, and the profession itself.

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